Used bakkies for sale can be found all over the country. Whether you are looking for single cab, or double cab vehicles, the best place you will be able to find these vehicles at affordable prices is if you attend repossession auctions and get bidding and all those cheap vehicles. What you could do is to visit any of ABSA, Nedbank, FNB or Standard Bank and speak to them and see if they will be willing to finance you. There is really nothing to it, and if you are really looking for an affordable pick-up truck, what better place is there to find the best deal?
There are many ways of finding those perfect used bakkies for sale if you cannot afford the price of a brand new one. You could see what you can find in the classifieds or you could visit any FNB, Standard Bank, ABSA or Nedbank and ask them if there are any repossession auctions around the country at the moment. Be sure to get the dates and the times of these auctions, so you can be in time for the bidding. Not only will be able to find double cab and single cab bakkies, but you will also be able to find many other vehicles that the banks have repossessed and is putting up for auction.
You will find that once you have attended these auctions, at the end of the day, the prices of the some of the things you are paying for compared to shop will be very cheap. All you have to do is to find a bank that will finance you. Once you have this out of the way, you will be that much closer to owning a bakkie. You just have to make sure that you win the bids. Visit these auctions and see what used bakkies for sale are available and get started.