These 5 lies car dealers like to tell are to warn you of dishonest sales talk when you buy a car. They do not represent all car dealers in South Africa as some are very honest. It’s just a warning of what to be aware of when you buy your next car from the dealer.
Needless to say, car shopping is a tiresome venture. Not only do you have to contend with the wide array of vehicles in the market. But you have to prepare to engage with crafty salesmen. Whose ultimate objective is to get a hold of your money.
From the minute you step into a car dealership, you are effectively fair game to these salespeople. Especially if your visit happens to coincide with the end-month period when everyone is striving to meet set targets.
Interestingly you may also notice that it is usually the car dealers who deal with the slow moving car models who are most desperate to clinch a sale. And hence really eager to turn on the charm.
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Conversely, salespersons who deal with the fast-moving models or those that command lengthy waiting periods are the ones who are less pushy. And listen carefully to their customers.
Below we take a look at 5 lies or “half truths” by car dealers. In an attempt to make you seal the deal a lot faster as follows:
Lies from Car Dealers Number 1: Prices will be going up soon
To be fair to car dealers, this may not always be a lie. Because there are instances when impending price hikes may be anticipated in a few days or weeks.
However in most cases this is simply a clever ploy to hasten your decision making. Especially if the month is nearing a close and the dealer needs to close the sale quickly. In order to reach his/her set targets.
Don’t let this fool you. Instead check with your peers, experts, or dealers of the car brand that interests you. So as to ensure you secure the best possible deal.
Potential Lie Number 2: The waiting period lasts only a few short weeks
The probability of a car dealer giving you an accurate due date for your vehicle is indeed low.
To arouse your interest in the deal, a majority of them shorten this time frame. They will have you believe that you will be getting your car sooner than expected.
Then after you sign for the deal and book the vehicle, you will soon come to the realization that the promised due date is unlikely to materialize.
To get around this predicament, some dealerships have introduced online tracking systems. Where clients can log in to view the status of their booking. In order to get a realistic idea of the actual date when the car is likely to be in their possession.
It is advisable to always cross check the actual waiting period with fellow owners and buyers whenever possible.
Potential Lie Number 3: Accessories can only be installed at the dealership
Undoubtedly, most car dealers make money by the additional sale of car accessories to their clients.
And to this end, they dangle threats such as the possibility of the warranty being voided if such accessories are sourced from elsewhere.

In fact, some are notorious to the extent that they usually include some standard accessories in the vehicle’s invoice.
And unless you are really keen, you may end up unknowingly paying for them. Such accessories may include scuff plates and floor mats which are usually much cheaper when bought elsewhere.
If you wish to install music systems, you stand to get a much better choice and range elsewhere. Since most systems now come equipped with snap connectors, you do not have to worry about voiding your vehicle’s warranty. Because its original wiring will not be tampered with.
It is prudent to list all accessories that you would wish installed in your car and then contact a reliable accessories dealer. This way you are guaranteed the best possible prices.
Unscrupulous dealers have been known to try and make money even from number plates. By charging a much higher fee for them.
You have the right to refuse and have your own number plates done outside. Although these have to be affixed before the vehicle leaves the showroom.
However the good news is that there are dealers who can throw in a few accessories for you at a discounted rate. You should always take advantage of such deals.
Potential Lie Number 4: Insurance should only be sourced from the car dealer
Many vehicle insurance companies in South Africa collude with dealers in an attempt to coerce clients to only buy a particular insurance brand. Which often commands higher premiums.
So if you have the patience and time, you are likely to secure better deals elsewhere. Have your vehicle insured by an insurer that you choose.
And if you have a no-claim bonus from your previous vehicle, transfer it to your insurance on the new car.
Potential Lies from Car Dealers Number 5: An extended warranty is a must
This is yet another money-minting tactic by most car dealers.
What most people are unaware of is that they have plenty of time to decide whether to go for an extended warranty. Because the regular one that comes with the vehicle often lasts up to two years or more.
Therefore, while an extended warranty is generally an excellent idea, it is not mandatory when purchasing the car.
Warranties can be bought at a later time and even better, at a bargain.
And if you are unlikely to be servicing your vehicle through authorized dealers after the expiration of the original warranty, an extended one is surplus to requirements.
Usually dealers will lie to you that such a warranty’s coverage is total just like an original one but this is far from the truth.
For instance, running parts that experience tear and wear such as brakes, clutch, and electrical components do not fall under the scope of this warranty.
People still visit car dealerships braced for a fight. And while there are those who relish the challenge, almost as if they are trying to outwit a rival, nothing will make you happier than driving away from the showroom with the car of your choice. Thinking that you outwitted the dealer for an excellent deal in the process.
Knowledge of the above lies car dealers tell should definitely help you maneuver this often treacherous process of buying a car.